Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ups and Downs

Today was a great example of one of those CrossFit days with highs and lows.  It started with many failed attempts to do butterfly kipping.  I just don't feel it yet, and I got too easily frustrated today to make progress -- LOW.   Then, we moved on to L sits and L hangs. (For those who don't know what L sits are -- sit down on the ground with your legs in front of you, put your hands on the ground either side of your body fisted up, and lift your legs.) I discovered that I can maintain an L sit on the ground pretty easily -- HIGH.  Then on to handstands, which I utterly fear due to my panic of having my feet above my head -- LOW.  William helped me to do two handstands against the wall, my first two ever -- HIGH.  But I know I need to work on them more so I can start doing real handstand pushups -- LOW/HIGH mix.  Then, on to the WOD -- 5 pullups, 10 modified burpees (each burpee included a roll on the ground -- carpet burn on the elbows!!!), and 15 kb swings (35lbs), AMRAP [As Many Rounds As Possible] 20 minutes.  I managed 7 full rounds and completed the pullup and burpee portion of the next round.  Ended the workout with a good session of stretching and then called it a day.  Highs and lows, up and downs ... just call me bipolar Beast Girl. :)


  1. I wouldn't handle the handstands well either. I feel the same way about having my feet and butt above my head.

  2. I get dizzy just reading this. You go Beast Girl!
