Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm a big girl now!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen -- I'm finally potty-trained!!! Mom told me it would happen one day!!
:)  But, really, I am marking my calendar today with another CrossFit first for me ... pull-ups without a band.  I did 12 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats), and did not use a band on any of the pull-ups.  Now, mind you, I'm not saying the pull-ups were pretty by any means, especially since my body couldn't decide whether it wanted to kip regularly, butterfly kip, or swing like an insane monkey (the third option ended up winning most of the time, I think).  Still, it's a beginning.  Gotta start somewhere, right?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to do the potty dance.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Evil CrossFit Plan is working

Today was body composition test day #3. For those who do not nerd out on numbers, skip to the next paragraph for the synopsis. For the rest of us number nerds:  at my last test a month ago, we learned in the prior 28 days that I had lost 1.5lbs of fat and gained 3.5lbs of lean mass.  This last month's results showed a slow in the progress -- lost 0.5lbs of fat and fained 2.5lbs of lean mass.  Still, that means, in the last two months, I've gained 6.0lbs of lean mass, while only increasing my weight by 4.0lbs.  It looks like the most significant change has been the caliper readings at my thigh -- from 25.5 to 22.5 to 21 -- which seems counterintuitive, given that my thighs have begun to hulk out of my jeans and dress pants. 

Bottom line:  CrossFit + Meat in diet = Hill continuing her transformation into BeastGirl. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Accidental WOD

I have to say, today's WOD (workout of the day) was quite good ... which, in my twisted "I love the Kool-Aid" head, means it was quite difficult.  I will say that, with some tips from trainer William, I feel like I have the form of the squat snatch down, finally.  I managed to do 4RM (rep max) of 53 lbs, and I feel confident I can build from that.  I just found myself fatiguing quite quickly, so that the squat became less of a squat and more of a bent knee.  :/  Ah, well, always room for improvements!

After the workout, I had to make a trip to Feeders Supply for some cat food and kitty litter.  I grabbed the cat food and the 25lb bag of kitty litter, hauled it on my shoulder up to the counter, paid, and hauled it out to the car -- and felt very whipped.  What the ... 25lbs wearing me out??  I didn't think the WOD was THAT bad!!!  But, of course, does Beast Girl give up?  Hell no.  So, I got to the apartment, threw on my backpack, threw the bag of litter on my shoulder, walked it up the twisty flight of stairs and into the apartment, before feeling ready to die.  I was soooooo pi$$ed -- how could one little WOD leave me so freaking weak?  Seriously??? WTF????  And, just when I prepared to kick the bag in anger, I noticed:

Oooops.  :) Ah, well, two WODs in one day?  BeastGirl can handle it. :)