So, my CrossFit workout actually takes a back seat to another story of success today (but, I believe, somewhat related). I had my six month dental check-up this afternoon. I don't know if all dentists do this, but my dentist starts off the appointment by poking my gums above each tooth and then seeing how many bleed. A year ago, I had 9 bleeds. Six months ago, I had 7 bleeds. Today, 2 bleeds!! A new PR!! :) So, in looking for the cause, I notice there are two relevant changes in the past six months: a new toothbrush (Oral B super-duper-awesome power brush with all these nifty little heads and a timer and everything) and my dietary changes (return to eating meat). To me, the obvious responsible variable seemed to be the toothbrush. However, a few moments later, the hygienist pointed out that, today, I had more tartar and plaque build-up than six months ago. So, to me, that would seem to indicate that the toothbrush and/or cleaner teeth is not the source of the gum health, as my teeth were less clean today than at the last cleaning. That leaves me with the other variable -- a return to eating meat. I know that I have felt amazingly better and stronger since I've started eating meat again, with the progress being most obvious during my CrossFit WODs. In my opinion, my improved gum health seems like another sign that my more balanced diet now is improving my health, from the inside out! Now I hope that my decrease in wheat/corn products might increase the health of my teeth from the outside in. We'll see at my next dentist's appointment. And I'm hopeful that, just as my gum health is improving, so are my stress fractures. Please hurry up and heal!!
Oh, and the WOD was great today. I have to love any workout that involves pistol squats.
21 L-pull-ups
20 One legged squats, alternating legs
18 L-pull-ups
16 One legged squats, alternating legs
15 L-pull-ups
12 One legged squats, alternating legs
12 L-pull-ups
8 One legged squats, alternating legs
I did the L-pull-ups band assisted. I forgot to write down my time -- under 15 -- 14:52, maybe? Then,
Row 800m -- 2 min rest -- row 800m -- 2 min rest -- row 800m for time -- 15:30.
Then some great stretching yoga. Good stuff.
I just learned that is why the dentist pokes at my gums. I never understood that before! The red meat is a very interesting theory.